13 December 2018
Grunt Club 2018
Montréal, December 7, 2018: Ocean Group participates every year in the traditional evening of the Grunt Club. This event is an opportunity for the maritime community of Quebec to meet and enjoy a friendly and warm moment.
Before the banquet, Ocean Group invites all its customers and partners to a happy hour. This gathering is the perfect opportunity to share and underline the major achievements of the year.
To highlight the 10-year contract we signed with the Port Authority of Jamaica, the Ocean suite brought our guests under the Caribbean sun: decor, ambient music and tastings were at the rendezvous!
We thank all our customers and partners for joining this beautiful event.
GRUNT CLUB – www.gruntclub.org
The Grunt Club was established in 1931 and is comprised of people from every facet of the shipping industry and related fields.
The annual banquet brings together over 1,300 members and guests from around the world and provide financial support to several great causes, such as:
- The Mariner’s House: An institution that provides comfort to seamen of all nationalities visiting the Port of Montreal
- The endorsement of a scholarship fund in recognition of the scholastic achievements of deserving students at L’institut Maritime du Québec à Rimouski.