Suction dredging in Mexico | Achievement | Ocean Group

Suction dredging in Mexico

Ocean’s expertise internationally recognized

Mexico, 2014 – Ocean Dredging wins its first international contract.

After being awarded a dredging contract for the Port of Dos Bocas, Mexico, the trailing suction hopper dredge OCEAN TRAVERSE NORD takes a little less than three weeks to arrive in Mexico.

The maintenance work represents nearly 300,000 m3 of sediments to be removed and takes place over a period of approximately 60 days. Around ten Ocean employees participate in the project on various shifts to allow operations to continue day and night.

After completion of this project, the Mexican port authorities take advantage of the vessel’s presence to carry out work at the Port of Veracruz, from which 15,000 m³ of sediment are removed in a few days.

Related service : dredging

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